Timeline with release dates of several projects. Dragons included.
Well, it has been a while…
I won’t comment in detail on what happened in the meanwhile and no, this will not be another of these “but this time I will not give up” posts but let me put it this way: Other things occupied all of my attention. However, things have settled and finally I couldn’t resists to reboot one of my former favorite hobbies: “that web stuff”. Such a restart of your ambitions is a good chance to challenge the status of your projects and see if stuff projects can be sorted out.
You all now that: You are using a software which brings a lot of functionality but there is always the one feature that is missing. In WordPress this situation is not as disappointing as for other software because WordPress allows the user to extend its functionality with plugins.
Some weeks ago I started writing on the e.nigma 2015 theme (which is already submitted to the WordPress.org repository but is still in review). Here and there I wanted to extend the theme’s functionality with shortcodes that allow the user to easily add buttons to their blog posts and pages. However, I missed that the WordPress team says1 that custom shortcodes should come with plugins, not with themes. Consequently, I transferred the button functionality to a WordPress plugin: e.nigma buttons.