
Playing around with technology

Tag archive: Podlove

Categories: Projects

Projects – Status Review

Release dates of several projects
Timeline with release dates of several projects. Dragons included.

Well, it has been a while…

I won’t comment in detail on what happened in the meanwhile and no, this will not be another of these “but this time I will not give up” posts but let me put it this way: Other things occupied all of my attention. However, things have settled and finally I couldn’t resists to reboot one of my former favorite hobbies: “that web stuff”. Such a restart of your ambitions is a good chance to challenge the status of your projects and see if stuff projects can be sorted out.

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Categories: Projects

Podcasts publizieren mit dem Podlove Publisher

Der Podlove Podcast Publisher ist ein Plugin für WordPress zum effizienten Publizieren von Podcasts. Der in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Podcastern entwickelte Publisher bietet weit mehr Funktionalität als herkömmliche Podcast-Plugins, ist überaus flexibel konfigurierbar, über eigene Templates erweiterbar und bietet umfangreiche Statistiken.

Alex erläutert, wie der Publisher aufgebaut ist, welche Features er bietet und warum man danach nichts anderes mehr anfassen will.

Categories: Projects

Podlove Publisher 2.1

We have finally released Podlove Publisher 2.1. Despite it’s “minor” release number, it’s a packed release with more than 200 changes to the core.

Grab it while it’s hot! 🎉

Categories: Projects

Podlove Publisher 1.11

Say hello to the Podlove Subscribe button, the Universal button to subscribe to buttons in the desired podcast client or player website. It ships as a widget, so you can easily display it on your site. For more finegrained positioning, you can use the [button] shortcode.