Here are links to static demonstrations of what WordPress looked like in the early days of it’s development.
Wenn schon die ersten Posts à la wie-war-es-damals™ zu einer Software aufkommen, soll das schon was heißen. Ich bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher, mit welcher Version von WordPress ich zum ersten mal in Berührung gekommen bin. Muss wohl Version 1.x gewesen sein. Es hat sich seitdem wirklich sehr viel getan.
Tumblr Crosspostr posts to Tumblr whenever you hit the “Publish” (or “Save Draft”) button. It can import your reblogs on Tumblr as native WordPress posts. It even downloads the images in your Photo posts and saves them in the WordPress Media Library.
Mein persönliches WordPress Plugin der Woche! Wer sich jetzt fragt wofür ich das Plugin brauche: dafür.
It’s been a while since the last major release but we have been busy behind the scenes and finally landed the 1.9 update of the Podlove
Publisher and it’s a big one. Apart from a multitude of minor enhancements, bug fixes and improved behaviour, we have also some big new features we want to present and explain to you here.
Wer die neuen Features mal in Aktion sehen möchte, kann sich diese beim ABSradio anschauen.
If you are using the Flattr WordPress plugin you can choose between three different modes of button presentation:
Dynamic javascript version
Static image version
Static text version
If you choose one of the static variants everything is fine using HTML5 markup. Now, if you choose the Dynamic javascript version this will result in an non-valid source code. The reason for that is that the rel attribute is no longer supported in HTML5, what is also said on the Flattr website. However, the fix for that issue is quite simple. Just replace the function getButtonCode (line 644) in the flattr.php in the plugins directory. Note that I don’t check for empty values for the category and the tags field anymore, as my workflow does not include empty categories or tags.